Tag: Smart Glass Windows

Posts with Tag: Smart Glass Windows

Retail Hd

Smart Glass for Retail Shop Windows and In-store Advertising

Smart glass is changing the way we shop, offering a more dynamic retail experience for customers and more effective advertising opportunities for brands and store owners. In this series of articles, we unpack the many ways smart glass is helping architects and interior designers provide novel solutions for their clients. In our last article, we

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micro hotels

Micro Hotels Equipped with Smart Glass are Changing the Way You Travel

For every traveler, finding the right accommodation, that is affordable, comfortable, and convenient, is one of the more difficult aspects of frictionless traveling. And – finding a place to work, relax, rest, or recharge while in transit leaves even fewer options. Many times we find ourselves laying on an airport floor that is uncomfortable and,

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Smart Visual Merchandising

How Smart Visual Merchandising Enhances The Retail Experience

With the rise of e-commerce, many say that the future of brick and mortar is grim. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, consumers spent $513.61 billion online alone. But, despite this shockingly high number, 85% of shoppers still prefer to purchase in person. This shows, that despite our lives being digitalized, we still crave

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