Tag: Smart Glass

Posts with Tag: Smart Glass

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Curtains vs. Glass Partitions: Fighting Coronaviruses With Simpler Sterilization

Architectural and interior design plans for new commercial projects take a variety of factors into consideration. Coronaviruses, like the COVID-19 pandemic, shine a light on one of the most critical aspects for consideration: the infrastructure-based measures that support infection control to create a healthy environment. Specifying smart building materials that maintain agility, openness, and access

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Increase Employee Activity by 70% with Natural Light

Studies show that natural light in office spaces improves employee satisfaction and productivity. That’s because natural light helps regulate the body’s natural circadian rhythms (sleep-wake schedules). Research proves that natural light helps people be more productive, happier, and calmer. In this blog, we will delve into the positive effects of natural light in office settings,

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micro hotels

Micro Hotels Equipped with Smart Glass are Changing the Way You Travel

For every traveler, finding the right accommodation, that is affordable, comfortable, and convenient, is one of the more difficult aspects of frictionless traveling. And – finding a place to work, relax, rest, or recharge while in transit leaves even fewer options. Many times we find ourselves laying on an airport floor that is uncomfortable and,

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smart glass

What’s the difference between PDLC and SPD Smart Glass

Smart Glass. Smart Glazing. Switchable Glass. Regardless of what we call it, the general definition is “glass that changes to different levels of opacity and transparency on demand for light control”. If you’re just starting your research on smart glass, you’re probably seeing the two most common types pop up: SPD and PDLC. While industry

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Smart Visual Merchandising

How Smart Visual Merchandising Enhances The Retail Experience

With the rise of e-commerce, many say that the future of brick and mortar is grim. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, consumers spent $513.61 billion online alone. But, despite this shockingly high number, 85% of shoppers still prefer to purchase in person. This shows, that despite our lives being digitalized, we still crave

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Maximize Space

Maximize Space with Smart Glass in Interior Design

If you are in the market for a new office, you might be feeling like you remember having more space. And you would, in fact, be completely right. You’ll find yourself thinking, “If I do take this office, what type of interior design tricks are there to maximize space or smart materials for space optimization?”

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How PDLC Technology Works

Electrically switchable glass partitions and walls add adaptability and give a “WOW” effect to interior office designs. Switchable glass with PDLC (Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal) technology can easily transform a space from open and shared, to private and intimate, and anywhere in between with dimming features. This is especially helpful in agile work environments based

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agile work environment

Create an Agile Work Environment with Smart Glass

Smart glass is helping architects, interior designers, and partition manufacturers to create an agile work environment, making workspaces more flexible. Smart Glass as a design solutions offers an option of transparency for team productivity while helping to maintain privacy when companies need it most. Transparency isn’t just a characteristic of glass. It’s a company culture

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